문학과 영상학회 2017년 가을 학술대회
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문학과 영상학회 가을 학술대회에 대한 소식 드립니다. 이번 하반기 가을 학술대회는 본 학회와 현대 영미 드라마 학회 공동 주관 하에 각색과 전용이라는 주제로 아래와 같이 개최하고자 하오니, 많은 회원 선생님들께서 참석하시어 좋은 토론과 의견교환의 자리가 될 수 있도록 도와주시면 감사하겠습니다.


문학과 영상학회 / 현대 영미 드라마학회 공동주관 2017년도 하반기 학술대회
Adaptation and Appropriation: Theory and Practices

시간: 2017년 10월 28일(토) 오전 10시 - 6시
장소: 한양대학교 인문대 건물(508) 205호 / 233호


10:00~10:30 : Registration / Opening & Congratulation Address

<partⅠ> 10:30~12:10

Session 1
Jungjin Yi(Seoul National University)
Sam Shepard as Filmmaker: Place and Significance of Paris, Texas in His Oeuvre

Seokhun Choi(Yonsei University)
Hamlet Pansori Project: Taroo’s Intercultural Adaptation of Hamlet as a Tragedy of the Common Men

Derek McGovern(Pukyong National University)
Subverting Shaw: The 1938 Screen Version of Pygmalion

Session 2
Chung-kang Kim(Hanyang University)
Vicious Desire: The Insect Woman of Kim Ki-y?ng and Immamura Shohei

Lee Hyungseob(Hanyang University)
Romeo and Juliet in Belfast: Northern Irish Drama in the Troubles and After

Hyangjin Lee(Rikkyo University)
The Social Activism of Bong Jun-ho’s Environmental Films

12:10 ~ 13:10 Lunch


<partⅡ> 13:10~14:50
Session 3
Hyesun Jang(Hanyang University)
The Narrative Scenography: Storytelling in Enda Walsh's Disco Pigs and the Non-Diegetic Fallacy of Its Film Adaptation

Hyewon Kim(Yonsei University)
Playing Genderqueer Bodies: Transgressive Queerness in Hedwig and Thrill Me

Young-In Park(Hanyang University)
Within the Enclosure of Causality: Reverse Chronology in Pinter's Betrayal and Nolan's Memento

Session 4
Dayeon Jung(Seoul National University)
Re-creative Appropriation in Park Chan-wook's The Handmaiden

Soyeon Kim(Ewha Womans University)
Attempts and Shortcomings of the Gaze In Tom Hooper’s The Danish Girl (2015)

Dasol Choi (Ewha Womans University)
Other Sides of Native American Film: A Study on Smoke Signals

14:50~15:10 Coffee Break


<partⅢ> 15:10 ~ 16:00
Keynote speech
Julie Sanders(Newcastle University)
Secondary Pleasures and Spatial Occupations: (Re)reading Sarah Waters’s Fingersmith through Park Chan-Wook’s Agassi (The Handmaiden)


<partⅣ> 16:00 ~ 17:10
Session 5
David Savran (City University of New York)
The Haunted Houses of American Theatre

Eckart Voights (TU Braunshweig)
Adaptation and the Posthuman: Two Perspectives


17:10 ~ 17:30 Regular General Meeting
